If you are a number nerd, like me, you love "special" numbers. You look for them on your clocks, in page numbers, on receipts and on your odometer! I love palindromic numbers, repetition in numbers, or special sequences, like the one on the right. I have a friend who also loves these special numbers and we often text each other when we hit cool numbers such as 12345, or 12121 or 12321, or 33333. When I saw this photo, I immediately wondered, "How much planning would that take?"
So, the question is pretty simple:
When did this person reset the "Trip A" counter to 0 to make this number appear?
If you want to push students a bit further, you could ask how many tanks of gas, days or weeks or months it would take to drive that far, how old is the car...but I love this one because it's simple. No standards, no lessons, just a quick, fun and easy exploration!
Please feel free to use any of these ideas and modify them to meet your needs. However, please acknowledge the original source of the items and my own lesson outlines. ©NatalieRSprigg 2013
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