First, I want to attribute this image to the incredible blogger, author, artist, mathematician Jessica Hagey and her website She publishes a new "index card" weekday mornings that are incredible commentaries on the world around us. I find so many of them are useful for instruction, analysis, sense making, and general life lessons. Check her out, follow her, and see what you find!
Grade Level: ANY
SMP: MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5, MP6, MP7, MP8
So, you may ask, is this a lesson? No. It's not meant for kids, although I know my students could engage in a thoughtful discussion around the ideas. This is meant for ME, for my teachers, for those I work with and coach, and for you, if you are anyone who has experienced failure and growth.
Why this? Why now?
Just this week one of the incredible teachers I work with brought up the idea of feedback over grades. She had just read an article that talked about never giving a grade, but constantly providing feedback. She was intrigued and wondered how it might work in her own class.
"Mindset" isn't just a buzzword in education today. It's a buzzword in parenting, in coaching, in sports, and in business. Carol Dweck, author of Mindset, is one of the major names in the field today, but is far from the only person pontificating on the power of positive thinking. (If you haven't read the book, it's incredibly accessible, quick to read, and useful!)
Let's get down to it. Here is an incredible resource to use if you are providing PD around feedback and mindset to teachers. The MARS/Shell Centre has some really nice resources including one around feedback for students. The research is clear: providing students with feedback (instead of a grade or score) will increase the opportunity for students to reflect, revise, and improve. A score is too permanent for students and decreases the chances that students will see their learning and performance as fluid and open to growth.
As I told my teacher, I can't imagine a classroom where EVERYTHING is open to revision and growth and I never award a final performance score (proficient, partially proficient, etc.). However, I love the idea and the meaning behind it. At least 4 times over the last two years I have provided written feedback to students regarding their thinking on assessments (in lieu of a score) and DID see an increased effort to respond to my feedback and revise, expand, or elaborate on their thinking. This is an incredible tool for educators to use and I know I need to do quite a bit more of this in the future.
Not only that, but if we take a minute to reflect on the Standards of Mathematical Practice, think about how essential this idea of FEEDBACK is to helping your students become proficient in using the SMPs. Of course, SMP 1 is obvious. "Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them" is closely linked to providing feedback and opportunities for students to explore and improve their work. However, what about the other SMPs? SMP 2? Reason abstractly and quantitatively? Isn't this your chance to encourage your students to contextualize or decontextualize (as needed) in problem solving situations? This is your chance to ask students to explore further, to apply numbers and symbols to their solutions, or to back off of specifics and begin to answer for generic cases. SMP 3? Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others? Your feedback could center around asking students to make a stronger argument for their answer, or to say, "I saw several students say the answer should be _____, what do you think?" Your feedback and questions can push students to really work on their argumentation skills when it comes to mathematics. I could continue, but I think it is clear, FEEDBACK is an obvious solution to "How do I teach the SMPs? How do I engage students in this kind of thinking and reasoning?"
A "failing" grade doesn't lead to learning. Progress occurs when failure and learning overlap, and I believe that the progress can only come from timely, specific, relevant feedback with a chance for students to try again.
If you are looking for more ideas around growth Mindset, let me know! I've been gathering a lot of resources and have been using them with my 8th graders this year, and I think it is beginning to pay off!
Please feel free to use any of these ideas and modify them to meet your needs. However, please acknowledge the original source of the items and my own lesson outlines. ©NatalieRSprigg 2015