Tuesday, May 21, 2013



You may wonder, who's writing this blog, why should you care, and what can it do for you?

My name is Natalie Sprigg and I've just completed my twelfth year of teaching mathematics.  I LOVE working with kids, other educators, and the opportunity to create and inspire learning.  I've taught for 9 years at the middle level and 3 at the high school level.

I have always had the joy and opportunity to merge my own work and creations with the curriculum provided to me through my school district.  By nature, I'm a creative questioner and I like to find cool things in the world around me to use as inspiration for lessons.

As I begin, I am considering the following structure to each of my blog posts.  I will find inspiration around the web and in my daily life and then I will share it with you.  I will examine the item, share why it struck me, what grade level I would target, the type of math, standards and skills that would be appropriate, and then how to use the item as a Mad Minute, a warm up or introduction to a concept, a mini-lesson, a full lesson and an assessment.  Some of these will not be appropriate for every category.  Sometimes I'll outline an idea, and will come back to it later to add supporting documents.  Please share your feedback, your ideas, and your extensions!

I look forward to reflecting with you, to exploring tangents with you, and to creating really cool math lessons for kids!

Natalie Sprigg

Please feel free to use any of these ideas and modify them to meet your needs.  However, please acknowledge the original source of the items and my own lesson outlines.  ©NatalieRSprigg 2013

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